Legal Documents Translation Services

At Africa Localize, we offer professional legal translation services designed to meet the highest standards of accuracy and confidentiality. Whether you are an individual or a corporate and whichever document you need to translate. 

Our team of certified legal translators is equipped with the specialized knowledge and skills to deliver flawless translations.

We understand the critical importance of accuracy in legal translations, where even the smallest error can have significant consequences. 

That’s why our team of translators is not only fluent in the source and target languages but also has a robust background in legal matters, ensuring that every translation is both linguistically and legally sound.

Types of legal documents we worked on throughout the years.

  • Birth Cеrtifiсаtеѕ
  • Mаrriаgе Cеrtifiсаtеѕ
  • Marriage License
  • Divоrсе Certificates
  • Death Certificates
  • Eduсаtiоnаl Cеrtifiсаtе Transcripts Diplomas
  • Divоrсе Decrees
  • Professional Certificates

Our 7 Key Steps to Hire the Best Legal Translators

Proficient translators in African languages are relatively rare in the market. At Africa Localize, we are dedicated to selecting the finest linguistically adept and technically skilled translators. We rigorously test their:

We look for translators with formal education in translation and recognized certifications to ensure their expertise.

We choose translators with extensive experience in legal translation to guarantee accurate and reliable results.

We ensure native fluency in the target language and high proficiency in the source language for precise translations.

We review sample translations and client testimonials to assess the quality and accuracy of their work.

We verify adherence to confidentiality agreements and professional conduct to safeguard sensitive information.

We conduct a test translation to evaluate their skills and ability to handle complex legal terminology.

We ensure proficiency with translation tools and legal databases to enhance accuracy and consistency.

Why Choose Africa Localize for Translating Your Next Legal Project?


Our team of expert legal translators undergoes rigorous testing to ensure they meet our high standards of accuracy and reliability. 
We utilize advanced translation technology and adhere to strict quality assurance processes, ensuring that every document is precisely translated. Whether it’s a contract, court document, or patent, you can trust that our legal translations preserve the original meaning and legal integrity of your texts.


We specialize in legal translation services for African languages, making us the premier choice for your legal translation needs. Our team is proficient in a wide range of African languages. 
This specialization ensures that we understand the cultural and linguistic nuances of your documents, providing translations that are not only accurate but also contextually appropriate. With Africa Localize, you have a partner who understands the complexities of African languages and legal systems.

Competitive Prices

We believe that high-quality translations should be accessible and affordable. Our pricing structure is transparent and designed to provide you with the best value for your investment. 
With reasonable and competitive rates, we ensure that you receive exceptional service without breaking the bank. Choose Africa Localize for cost-effective solutions that don’t compromise on quality or expertise.

Work with certified partner

We specialize in certified legal document translations, including birth certificates, marriage licenses, and divorce decrees. Our expertise ensures accuracy and quality, regularly updating services to comply with the latest immigration laws. 
Our certified legal translations are recognized by government agencies and courts worldwide, across various languages. Additionally, we provide expedited services, allowing you to get your documents translated quickly and easily

Let’s Talk and Discuss your Next Translation Project for Africa

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